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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Reading Lesson


Here's an activity I used with my twins when they first started reading.  I used the magnetic lower case letters (vowels are red and consonant are blue).  

On my computer, I wrote the word family using Penmanship Print Font.  I am provided a link to a download but please be aware of malware of other sites. (dafont has malware associated with it).  I CANNOT guarantee this site doesn't have it, but I downloaded my font from this site a few years ago.   

We added a beginning sound (onset) to each ending word family (rime) to create a new word. Then the kids each took turns typing it onto the screen.  At the start of every lesson, we reviewed the last word family lists before starting a new list.


Kids can write words in a Reading Notebook, or on flash cards, or just read lists from computer.  Repetition is beneficial. 

This is a game you can play On The Road, too.  Say a word family (rime) and ask the kids to give a beginning sound (onset) which can be a singular consonant or a blend.

You can extend the lesson by asking your child to write a sentence in her Reading Notebook using one of the words, and then illustrating her thought.  This shows you that your child understands the meaning and proper use of a word.

Onset — The part of the syllable that precedes the vowel of a syllable. In the case of multi-syllabic words, each syllable has an onset. For example; the onset of the word PILL is /p/.

Rime — The part of a syllable (not a word) which consists of its vowel and any consonant sounds that come after it. 

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